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Registering as a non-resident

Will you be staying in the Netherlands for less than 4 months? For example to work or to study? Then you can register as a temporary resident (non-resident) in the Non-residents Records Database (RNI, Registratie Niet-Ingezetenen). The RNI is part of the Personal Records Database (BRP, Basisgegistratie Personen).

Why register as a temporary resident?

When you register with the RNI, you will receive a citizen service number  (BSN, Burgerservicenummer). You need this personal citizen service number in your contacts with the Dutch government, for example concerning health care, buying or renting a house, taxes, work and education.

How does registration work?

You can register in the Netherlands in two ways, depending on how long you stay in the Netherlands.

You will stay in the Netherlands for less than 4 months

You can register in one of 19 municipalities in the Netherlands with a counter for non-residents. On the website of the national governmentexterne-link-icoon you can find which municipalities these are.

You will stay in the Netherlands for more than 4 months

In that case, you must register as a resident in the municipality where you live or are going to live. In Zwolle you can do this by using the link on our website: Moving from abroad. You will also receive a citizen service number  (BSN) with this registration.

Where do I register?

To register, you have to make an appointment with the municipality.

To make the appointment  at our counter you can contact us by calling 14038. From abroad, please call +31 38 498 31 38. You can reach us Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17.00.

See for more contact information: Contact.

Registering groups by employers

If you would like to register more than 5 employees at once, please contact us via +31 38 498 31 38 or send an email to rni@zwolle.nl

Report changes

Changes in your personal data:

You can report changes in your personal data to the municipality of Zwolle or one of the other municipalities with a registration facility for RNIexterne-link-icoon.

Change of address outside the Netherlands:

You can report a change of address outside the Netherlands online. For more information, visit the website of the Central Governmentexterne-link-icoon.

You can use the form 'Wijziging buitenlands adres in de rni' on the bottom of this website page.

  • You can send the form to: Gemeente Zwolle, afdeling KCC, postbus 10007, 8000 GA Zwolle in the Netherlands.
  • You can upload your request in our online contact form: Send us a message.

The change will be registered within 4 weeks.

Any other changes (other than the address) can only be made in a personal appointment at our counter. You have to bring documents of prove and you passport or identity card. The documents have to be in accordance with legalization requirementsexterne-link-icoon.

To make the appointment  at our counter you can contact us by calling 14038. From abroad, please call +31 38 498 31 38. You can reach us Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17.00.

What to bring to your appointment?
  • The completely filled out form for registration in the RNI: Registration Non-Residents form of the National Office for Identity Data.
  • The completely filled out form: statement of consent for registration of additional contact data in the Non-Resident Records (RNI).
  • A valid passport or identity card.
  • Your address in your home country.

When registering a child under the age of 16, you have to bring:

  • The child with a valid passport or identitycard.
  • One of the parents or the legal custodian have come to the appointment in person bringing their passport or identity card. 
  • A birth certificate of the child, in accordance with legalization requirements. In the case of legal custody, this can also be a statement from a court.
Are there costs?

Registering is free of charge, there are no costs.

How long will it take?

You will be registered immediately and receive the citizen service number (BSN) at the counter. 

How do I get an extract of the registration?

Sometimes you need an extract of your registration as a non-resident. Maybe because you moved abroad of you lost your citizen service number (BSN).

You can only request an extract if you are registered as a non-resident in the RNI.

The request

You can request the extract through the form áanvraagformulier uittreksel rni at the bottom of this webpage.

  • You can send the form to: Gemeente Zwolle, t.a.v. afdeling RNI, postbus 10007, 8000 GA Zwolle, Nederland
  • You can also upload your request in our online contact form: Send us a message.

NOTE: Please do not forget to enclose a copy of your passport or identity card.

What you need to know:

Were you deregistered as a resident before 1 October 1994? Then you must request the extract from the Municipality of The Hagueexterne-link-icoon.


The costs for the extract are € 23,95. You will receive an invoice after we sent you the extract.