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Send us a message

You can send a digital message to the municipality via the contact form. The contact form is in Dutch.

Contact form without DigiDexterne-link-icoon

If you have a general question. Ask your question briefly and clearly.
Be careful with privacy-sensitive data. Do not provide personal information such as a social security number or passport number.

Contact form with DigiDexterne-link-icoon

If you have a question of a personal nature or if you want to add privacy-sensitive data, documents or photos. If you do not yet have a DigiDexterne-link-icoon, you can request one free of charge.

Contact form with e-herkenningexterne-link-icoon

If you have a question as an entrepreneur. If you want to know how eHerkenning works and how you can request it, go to www.eherkenning.nlexterne-link-icoon.