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je huis isoleren

Insulating your home

Receive up to € 1000,- as a grant for insulating your home!

Are you the owner and resident of a home (not a flat) in Zwolle* with a value of up to € 374,000,- in accordance with the Valuation of Immovable Property Act (Wet Waardering Onroerende Zaken or WOZ) with an energy label D, E, F or G or no energy label? Then we have good news for you! A grant scheme is available that will allow you to get no less than € 1000,- as a grant to insulate your home. If you do it together with your neighbours, the grant will be no less than € 1300,-  per home.  

*The Berkum neighbourhood is excluded from this grant scheme. The citizens of Berkum have the Berkum Energy Neutral (in Dutch Berkum Energieneutraalexterne-link-icoon) grant scheme. 

Apply directly

How does it work?

1. Check: am I eligible?

Check in advance whether you are eligible for this grant scheme. There are a few rules that you must abide by to qualify. It is nice to know what you are entitled to before you start to incur costs.  

2. Preparing the activities

It is not required to insulate your entire home. The grant can be used for roof, floor, wall or window insulation. You can carry out the insulation yourself or have a company do it. If you want to do it yourself, it is important that you follow the guidelines from the job guides. They are also useful if you want information about the materials to be used. Using environmentally-damaging insulation materials is not permitted as is the case regarding national grants.

Do you live in a listed building (in Dutch: monument)?

Then contact erfgoed@zwolle.nl or call 14038 and ask for the listed building care consultant to discuss your plans. Maybe you will need planning permission or there may be solutions that fit better with a listed building. We are happy to help you get started. 

Gehighlighte tekst: Keep vulnerable species in mind, such as bats
We want to prevent that animals such as bats or house sparrows are killed when insulating. They may have decided to move into your home. It is therefore mandatory to work from the outside in case of cavity wall, roof and wall insulation in accordance with the nature friendly insulation method. This, for example, means that the activities must be performed by a company that is certified for this and that you take the Dutch Nature Conservation Act (in Dutch Wet Natuurbescherming) into account. 

Man brengt isolatie aan op een dak

Take photos during and after the work has been carried out

You need at least one photo during and one photo after completion for this grant. However, do bear in mind that in order to establish an official energy label and for other grants, more photos are often needed. Just to be sure, take detailed photos of the material, the brand, the thickness, etc. 

Keep invoices and bills as proof: you need them to apply for the grant! 

TIP: you may also combine this grant with the national ISDE (Investeringssubsidie duurzame energie en energiebesparing; investing in renewable energy and energy saving) grant with which you can get back 15 to 30 percent of the investment. 

Doing it together = additional benefits!

You can also take measures with other local residents and benefit from the purchasing advantage from using the same contractor. Are you participating in a purchasing option that known to us together with other residents? Then the grant can be as high as € 1300,- per home! 

Currently, purchasing options are operational for HR++ glass and floor insulation.

HR++ glass

Floor insulation

The neighbourhood initiatives have also opened their purchasing option to residents who live outside their neighbourhood. Absolutely fantastic! We also encourage new purchasing options and initiatives. Talk to your neighbours or contact a neighbourhood initiative and start a purchasing option together. Report your initiative to us by sending us an email to jehuisisoleren@zwolle.nl. 


Do you have any questions such as: Which insulation materials may you use and which requirements must these insulation materials meet to be eligible for the grant?

Do you not know where and how you need to start to insulate? 

Then make an appointment with a voluntary energy coach through Blauwvinger Energieexterne-link-icoon. They can help you get started. Not only in Dutch, but also in English, German, Portuguese, Farsi/Persian or Thai. 

Or contact the Energieloketexterne-link-icoon (Sustainable Construction Desk) where independent consultants can help you get started.

If you cannot communicate in Dutch, ask your neighbours for help. 

Do you have questions about applying for the grant? Then contact the Subsidieloket (Grant Desk). Send an email to subsidieloket@zwolle.nl.