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Participating in Zwolle

Are you a status holder? And are you trying to find your way in the place where you live? Municipalities have a duty to help newcomers settle in their new community. For instance, they may advise you about the civic integration process, about housing, education and work. Maybe encourage you to take part in activities or introduce you to local organisations. Your municipality can help you with all kinds of things.

The municipality of Zwolle would like to help new residents of Zwolle (nieuwe Zwollenaren) integrate properly in their new city. We also want to assist you in finding a job. In a way that suits you. Let’s find out!

What are your talents and capabilities? What kind of support do you need? It could be extra language courses, education, guidance by professionals or volunteers, development of skills and knowledge, or work experience. This will greatly improve your chances of getting work. And that will make it easier for you to become (financially) self-sufficient.

The municipality and a whole number of organisations in Zwolle signed the convenant ‘Working together for new residents of Zwolle’. It means we are all determined to help you actively participate in your new city from day one. Together with you we hope to give you the best start possible.

For extra help or information, you can contact:

Participation statement as mandatory part of civic integration

Since 1 October 2017, a participation procedure has been a mandatory part of the civic integration of newcomers. You will need to complete this participation procedure in the first year of your civic integration. At the end of the procedure you must sign a 'Participation statement'.

Dutch values

The participation procedure will introduce you to the Dutch core values of freedom, equality, solidarity and participation. For example, equal rights for men and women, the right to develop yourself through education, being allowed to choose your partner and the right to express your own opinion.

The procedure concludes with the signing of a statement. You declare hereby that you know and respect the values and rules of Dutch society.

The municipality of Zwolle and several organisations signed a convenant at the city hall. They sealed their cooperation with a blue fingerprint.

Various ways you can participate

You are a status holder and you have received a letter from the Education Executive Agency (DUO)

If so, you will complete the participation procedure at the Dutch Council for Refugees (VluchtelingenWerk). The municipality of Zwolle has made agreements with VluchtelingenWerk about this. The course has 4 half-days and concludes with the signing of the statement.

In the first year of your civic integration obligation, you will automatically receive an invitation from Vluchtelingenwerk to take part in the participation procedure.

There are no costs for you. After the starting date of your civic integration obligation, you have 1 year to complete the participation procedure.

You are not (yet) a status holder, and you have received a letter from the Education Executive Agency (DUO)

This letter from DUO says that you must get a participation statement at your municipality.

Do you want to know more about the participation statement? If so, then please call the municipality of Zwolle (phone 14038). Or send an email to teamstatushouders@zwolle.nl. An employee of the municipality of Zwolle will contact you. You can ask advice about the best way to take part in the participation procedure.

For more information about the participation statement, visit the website of DUO: https://www.inburgeren.nl/en/participation-statement.jspexterne-link-icoon